There has been a constant stream of letters to the editor of our local paper since Beaver Pond froze in early December, giving way to what turned out to be one of the best and longest skating season in memory. Although the fence was placed in summer by the new owner of the part of the pond that served as a beloved commons for half a century, it was not until the skaters began to gather when the altercation began.
The first letter was published by Steve Morris, a long time pond resident, presenting cases for public use of the pond and the access point, followed with a rebuttal by the new owner, Erin Moran. I conducted my own research, including consulting a friend in New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and concluded that Erin was mostly right.
Then every week, a letter or two flowed in (mine was published on January 3). Some letters sought to dispute her claim. Others shared cherished memories of the pond. You can read a selection of the letters here, including ones from Steve and Erin.