In order to find a way to maintain public access to Beaver Pond without the road side parking lot at the west end, it would be good to first figure out what we want or don’t want as a community. Naturally, our individual goals will be different and some of them will contradict with one another. But there is a good chance all of us share large goals and specific concerns (no one would want the pond polluted, for instance). In the following, I’ll start with the goals and wishes of pond users, based on my personal experience and interaction with fellow pond fans. Feel free to share your concerns and goals in the comment section below.
Beaver Pond has been a favorite place for generations of outdoor enthusiasts. Activities enjoyed here include hunting, fishing, ice skating, cross country skiing, canoeing, kayaking, ice fishing, bird-watching, painting, and in the past, swimming. The parking lot in dispute has been a de facto public access since it was built.
While I cannot speak for each individual user, my sense is that all users like the beauty, solitude, and open space of the pond, while enjoying the community feeling the spontaneous gathering in nature cultivates. They appreciate the easy access from the road, but understand and share the concerns of the neighbors and overuse.
Pond Users’ Goals:
- Secure easy public access including safe parking
- Control publicity and take other measures necessary to prevent overuse
- Minimize damage to the environment
- Respect the pond-side residents and area neighbors
- Cultivate the positive, community feeling and connection

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